19 January, 2019

Volkswagen Passat- Luxury You cant give up.

One of the best advertisement I have seen is that of Volkswagen Passat with the catch phrase, Luxury You cant give up.
The ad is a attempt to impress the luxury seeking people with the theme of The monk who sold his Ferrari. The advertisement tries to convey the message that this is one of those luxury which you wont be able to give up.

The advertisement is really shot beautifully according to the theme. The location and the shoot is just superb.

The ad takes small things into consideration like a Monk from Mumbai, Maharashtra ( From the number plate)   is coming to Ladakh or the Himalayas for his self actualization but still could not resist from bringing his Passat.

When the monk gets out from his car it is the revelation of the ad. This scene is so well shot.

If one will not mention the music than it would be unfair. The music take the ads to another level.

The ad is simply superb. watch the ad in the blog.

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