07 December, 2014

MTNL Mumbai Mauritius Contest

MTNL Mumbai the leading telecom service provider is conducting a contest in its social media, where contestant can post their video of happiness. and they can win a grand prize. any guesses ?

Its a trip to Mauritius to a couple. Its really a grand prize in the social media sphere. generally brands give prizes like, vouchers, movie tickets, pen drives etc or a product of their company. But MTNL is giving a grand prize. The intention might be to create a big impact in social media. The other reason may be MTNL has a 100% subsidiary in Mauritius. and through this contest they are promoting the brand Chili of MTML.

Now every brand is trying to woo its prospective customers through social media, its good to see a PSU brand actively promoting its brand. 

You can get more details about the contest in 


14 November, 2014

Abbott- New tagline

Abbott has started its new corporate identity campaign, on he theme of Celebrate Life

Through this campaign Abbott is changing its tagline from A promise for life to Celebrate Life.
The main idea may be Abbott want to position itself as a wellness company.

22 October, 2014

09 October, 2014

World Trade Center- New Logo.

The World Trade Center has a new logo, designed by branding agency Landor Associates.

08 October, 2014

TheMomentSheSaidYes.jpg ad by Norton

Norton's  TheMomentSheSaidYes.jpg ad

It’s more than just data. It’s your life. 

Norton- Protecting the Stuff that matters. 
This ad is a powerful presentation of how it has become important to protect your valuable data, picture, financial info, social info, password etc.

03 October, 2014

Nescafe ad- Stand up Comedy #ItAllStarts

Nescafe has created a wonderful ad to promote its flagship coffee brand. The theme of the advertisement is "Lets get started"

The ad revolves around Rishi a stand up comedian who stammers, how people cracked joke at him how his family looked a this stammering and how he evolved all the story has been told in 2 minutes.

The music is so soothing and appropriate for the ad.

The ad script is as follows.

The biggest st.. st... strength of a st... st... stammering comedian is
ssss. suspense


But not every audience is as pa... pa... patient as you.

I get st... st... stuck
They move on.
Sss.... sorry sir.

My fa... family used to say, tell us a joke quickly.

N... Now they say f... forget the joke, just tell quickly

But I am also st... st... stubborn.
wont leave without telling my joke.

(he takes a nescafe and see thebuffering symbol while browsing in his tablet)

So I explained o my f... friends
It takes time to bu.. bu... bu.. buffer.
I explained o my la... landlord

Comedian- I asked for two.. two.. two.. two, he gave me eight.
Landlord- two two two two- eight Very funny.
That these days even jokes comes in in..in... in.. installments.

Comedian-my jokes are longer than the hands of law

Thank god for the coffee.

Isne mujhe lagaye rakha aur aapko jagaye rakha

My name is Ra.. Ra.. Ra.. Rishi.

At last Rishi says
Lets get started

and everybody applauds

The advertisement ends with "It all starts with a Nescafe."

Schmitten Luxury Chocolates Advertisement.

Priyanka Chopra has been roped by Rajhans (Desai-Jain) Group to promote their ‘Luxury Chocolates’ brand Schmitten. The Rajhans (Desai-Jain) Group want to bring the best of Swiss chocolate to India, through Schmitten.

A TV commercial has been done by Publicis team to promote the brand.

The advertsement is set in the style of a Broadway musical. In he advertisement Priyanka Chopra eluding those trying to pry her Schmitten. Priyanka sings, that her chocolate is hers and not to share.

Watch  the TVC at